
Similar to Account Model, but with the following differences:

  • status is converted to an AccountStatus enum
  • crypto_status is converted to an AccountStatus enum
  • buying_power is converted to a number
  • daytrading_buying_power is converted to a number
  • regt_buying_power is converted to a number
  • non_marginable_buying_power is converted to a number
  • cash is converted to a number
  • accrued_fees is converted to a number
  • pending_transfer_in is converted to a number
  • portfolio_value is converted to a number
  • multiplier is converted to a number
  • equity is converted to a number
  • last_equity is converted to a number
  • long_market_value is converted to a number
  • short_market_value is converted to a number
  • initial_margin is converted to a number
  • last_maintenance_margin is converted to a number
  • maintenance_margin is converted to a number
  • sma is converted to a number
  • created_at is converted to a Date object


  • Account


account_blocked: boolean
account_number: string
accrued_fees: number
buying_power: number
cash: number
created_at: Date
crypto_status: AccountStatus
currency: string
daytrade_count: number
daytrading_buying_power: number
equity: number
id: string
initial_margin: number
last_equity: number
last_maintenance_margin: number
long_market_value: number
maintenance_margin: number
multiplier: number
non_marginable_buying_power: number
pattern_day_trader: boolean
pending_transfer_in: number
portfolio_value: number
regt_buying_power: number
short_market_value: number
shorting_enabled: boolean
sma: number
status: AccountStatus
trade_suspended_by_user: boolean
trading_blocked: boolean
transfers_blocked: boolean

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