Type alias AnnouncementsArgs

AnnouncementsArgs: { ca_types: AnnouncementCaType[]; cusip?: string; date_type?: AnnouncementDateType; since: Date; symbol?: string; until: Date }

Corporate announcements query arguments

Type declaration

  • ca_types: AnnouncementCaType[]

    A list of AnnouncementCaType values.

  • Optional cusip?: string

    The CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) of the company initiating the announcement.



  • Optional date_type?: AnnouncementDateType

    The AnnouncementDateType of the announcement to query.


    const announcements = await getAnnouncements({
    ca_types: [AnnouncementCaType.dividend],
    since: new Date('2022-07-01'),
    until: new Date('2022-07-31'),
    date_type: AnnouncementDateType.declaration_date,
  • since: Date

    The start (inclusive) of the date range when searching corporate action announcements.


    Limited to 90 days

  • Optional symbol?: string

    The symbol of the company initiating the announcement.

  • until: Date

    The end (inclusive) of the date range when searching corporate action announcements.


    Limited to 90 days

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